Feel the power of mindfulness

Mindfulness will be for you what you want it to be. Mindfulness can help people to live superlative lives. In the workplace, by noticing our thinking, it helps us to realise that between stimulus and response there is the opportunity to choose. In the workplace, this can help to build teamwork, enhance creativity & communication and resolve conflict. By learning to be awake to someone else’s point of view it opens up a whole new area of problem solving and innovation.

Talk to us

Mindfulness at Work Ltd is passionate about helping enable people and businesses to be more successful and happier. Working with highly respected mindfulness experts, Mindfulness at Work offers training programmes for the workplace – to make it a more productive, creative, fulfilling and enjoyable place to be.

The genesis of Mindfulness at Work Ltd was inspired by the founder’s experiences of the workplace and how the practices of mindfulness can enhance one’s business success as well as all areas of life.

Mindfulness at Work’s trainers have a wide-ranging experience of the corporate world. They bring this experience to their mindfulness training in the workplace – having had first-hand experience of the pressures of corporate life, they are particularly well-placed to teach mindfulness practices to busy people who would like to find further ways to improve their professional abilities and give themselves ‘the edge’.

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